The Anatomy of the Rescue


God does not play favorites. There is no earthly crown or title, nationality, race, or religious practice that gives anyone or any group of people the esteemed title of “God’s favorite.” And fortunately for us, our own judgment of ourself (or other’s opinions of us) does not influence the favoritism of God. God is eager to bless, listen, and bring light to anyone who trusts in His Name. He yearns for a heart that will fear and obey Him. In fact, His eyes move to and fro across the earth to strongly support a heart that is completely His. He looks with intent among us to find a soft and willing heart. Did you know that with a blast of His breath He can split the sea open and rescue the one who cries out to Him from the depths of despair? And His reason for such a rescue is because He delights in those that cry out to Him! Given these amazing truths, what is the anatomy of this kind of rescue promised by the Lord of Hosts?

When we are in relationship with Jesus (trusting Him in our heart, and continuing in His righteousness, along with proclaiming with our mouth His hope) we can be assured of His help ~ His deliverance from trouble. Does that mean we won’t experience hardship, pain or death in this life? Certainly not!! But what we are promised is we will experience His peace, presence, and preservation – His Shalom, in the midst of these trials. God, in His holy splendor, sits above the waters of turbulence, over the roaring sea of chaos and confusion. His glory thunders and He gives strength and healing to those who find hope in His Name. 

Is there any other god who claims to be connected to his people? Can these gods see their situation and hear their cry? Can they part the waters of chaos and confusion, and draw them out of the deep, and speak to their anxious heart, “Peace be still?” What is it that sparks the Lord of the heavens and earth to respond to this cry?

A human heart that has even a glimmer of faith in the Name of Jesus.

The anatomy of the rescue is love. God’s love is not like our human love. It is free of manipulation and self-interest. His love is pure and conquers all things. He is a God who loves to show His glory and power – and He promises to do it through love to a heart that is willing to cry out to Him. There is no difference to Him between Jew and Gentile – or however you are labeled. He is the same for everyone, rich toward everyone who calls on Him, since everyone who calls on Him will be rescued from the chaos and confusion of this life, and the darkness and pain of the eternal life to come. This Good News is available to anyone who has a hint of faith in their heart. 

Consider Jesus.

Do you need to be rescued?

Cry out for His love.

His light is coming.

He delights in you.


“For ‘everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved.'” Romans 10:13


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